Looking for books for your book club?
Willard Library offers a Book Club in a Bag service with eight paperback copies, and discussion guides if available, for popular titles.
Two Ways to Request a Book Club in a Bag
- Send an email to bookclub@willardlibrary.org
- Call Brenna at 269-968-8166, ext. 504
IMPORTANT: Please include your name, library card number, book title requested, exact pickup date (at least two weeks out), and pickup location (Willard Library or the Helen Warner Branch).
You may request any title. However, we can only fulfill your request if eight paperback copies are available from our vendor. If you need guidance on what to select, ask Brenna (contact info. above) for suggestions.
No less than two weeks advanced notice is required to fill your Book Club in a Bag request. All you need is a valid Willard Library card and the desire to discuss amazing books! The Book Club in a Bag kit checks out for six weeks and may be picked up at either of our locations.